Additions and Subdivisions

Geography and history of Lutheran Hospital

Map of Lutheran Hospital

Lutheran Hospital

estimated location

History of Lutheran Hospital

History of Lutheran Hospital

Zone Atlas: M19
T10N R4E Section 31

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly where this addition was going to be built. It was platted in 1926, and it is my impression that it was actually going to be for the War Mother’s National Memorial Hospital. They are the only one mentioned in the deeds, and newspaper ads from that year mention the coming building of it. It was intended to be for World War One veterans, but when Veteran’s Hospital was built in 1932, the plan was scrapped. In the sectional deed book, War Mothers is shown to own land in NE¼ NE¼ SW¼ of section 31 T10N R4E, which would put it in the area of Oxnard Field. Oxnard is one of the names listed in the deed for this piece of land. The entire section is now part of Kirtland Air Force Base.


General Sources

Books and Internet Links