Exhibits @ Your Library

on display

On Display: Art by Carly Babani

" My art journey started about 10 years ago when I adventured into a Bob Ross art class. It was very scary at first. However, I continued to pursue my love of painting and continue to enjoy each time I have a canvas to work on. I had only painted a few times in my life prior to taking classes at a craft store in Omaha. To say I was gifted would be a stretch of my imagination. All I know is that I love painting and enjoy having others love my work and to my surprise want to buy it.

"I believe art should be affordable and accessible no matter what venue one shows their art work in. I continue to learn and experiment with colors, subject matter and requests from friends that want me to paint their four legged fur babies. Hopefully, I captured what they wanted. I love creating colorful, joyful paintings. And as long as my painting bring joy to your heart that is what is most important to me. Thank you for viewing my paintings and I hope they bring you joy."

Carly Babani, Artist


JT gallery