Adult Learning @ the Public Library

Option 1

Online Courses and Self-Directed Learning

This guide is intended for continuing learners, adult learners, and professionals or students in the Albuquerque Bernalillo County community who are just getting started on a path toward digital literacy or want to learn new technical skills. The contents have been selected from resources in online courses from LinkedIn Learning, GCF LearnFree, and DigitalLearn.

Box 3

Literacy is "the ability to understand, evaluate, use, and engage with written text to participate in society, to achieve one's goals, and to develop one's knowledge and potential."
Digital Literacy begins with text and extends to the computers, software, interactive forms, and online platforms prevalent in our communities.
From the OECD Education and Skills Online Assessment

Option 2

Diploma, GED, and Local Education Resources

A selected list of resources for alternative programs, charter schools, and APS resources for completing secondary education or preparing to take the GED examination.