Albuquerque Bernalillo County Library Cards

My Account

What is My Account?

What is My Account?

My Account lets you view your checkouts, holds, and any fines you may have. You can also view your personal information, change your PIN and set up your preferences.

How do I get to My Account?

How do I get to My Account?

Click My Account from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Note: If you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to log in with your library card number and pin before you can access the My Account page.

Personal Information

Personal Information


What is my PIN or password?

When your account was created, a 4-digit PIN (personal identification number) was chosen to protect your account from unwanted access.


How do I change my PIN?

To change a known PIN:
  1. Log in to your library account.
  2. Go to My Account.
  3. Open the Personal Information tab, then open the Change PIN section.
  4. Provide your current PIN and your desired new PIN, then click Update.

To reset your PIN:
  1. Click Log In from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

  2. Click Forgot my PIN.

  3. Provide your username and click Submit.

You'll receive an email with a recovery link. Follow the instructions in the email to reset you PIN.


How do I set up text (SMS) notifications?

If you have a phone that can receive text messages, you can use the SMS Notifications section under My Account to enter the phone number and select which notifications you want to receive. Click Add New to define a new phone and select the notifications you want to receive. You can subscribe to the following notifications:

  • Bill Notices—Lets you receive notifications about fines and fees.
  • Overdue Notices—Lets you receive notifications about items that may be coming due or have passed the due date.
  • Hold Pickup Notices—Lets you receive notifications regarding items that you have placed on hold.
  • Manual Messages—Lets you receive messages written to you by a librarian. These may be in response to a communication you have sent to the library.
  • User Announcements—Lets you receive general messages sent by the library.


How do I change my personal preferences?

  1. Click My Account in the menu bar at the top of your screen.

  2. Log in, if prompted.
  3. Navigate to the Personal Information tab, then open the Preferences section.

  4. Adjust your preferences the way you want, then click Update.

    The checkbox preferences deserve special mention, as follows:

    • Record my checkout history—lets you specify if you want the system to display your checkout history in the Checkouts tab. If you have selected Show my checkout history and the History tab does not show current activities, make sure that Record my checkout history has also been selected.
    • Show my checkout history—lets you specify if you want the system to keep track of the items that you check out from the library. Your checkout history will not display the recent history unless both Show my checkout history and Record my checkout history are selected.