Income Tax Forms and Assistance

Online Forms, Instructions and Services

Online Forms, Instructions and Services

State of New Mexico Tax Forms
Fill out and print PIT (Personal Income Tax) forms, instructions and publications.
File your State tax return electronically.


IRS Forms
Download and print Federal forms, instructions and publications - plus tips on filing your materials, and details on returns.

File Federal returns electronically through an IRS eFile Service.


my free taxes The MyFreeTaxes Partnership provides free state and federal tax preparation and filing assistance for qualified individuals. It’s easy, safe, secure and 100 percent free.


Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions
The Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23, 2010 -- containing some tax provisions that took effect this year, as well as more that will be implemented during the next several years.  Learn more about the general provisions now in effect, plus specifics for individuals and families.


Tips on Preparing for Tax Season

  • The IRS periodically issues and updates tax tips for individuals and businesses that can be useful in preparing tax filings.

Federal Forms

Available locally at:
Internal Revenue Service
5338 Montgomery Blvd NE
Phone:  837-5631

Federal Tax Information:

Taxpayer Advocate Service:
(505) 837-5505 in Albuquerque
1-877-777-4778 elsewhere


New Mexico Forms & Publications

Available locally at:

New Mexico Department of Taxation - Albuquerque District Office

10500 Copper Ave NE Suite C
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Phone: (505) 841-6200


Tax Call Center


Call Center hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, taking new calls from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m and returning calls during the extended hours.


IRSVideo Channel on 

Check out the official YouTube channel of the Internal Revenue Service.  Upload and play IRS videos on a variety of tax topics - including:  understanding taxes, choosing a tax preparer, charitable contributions, mileage rates... and more!



Tax Forms @ Your Library

Public Libraries:  Most branches of the Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County will offer tax forms this year.  Please contact your nearby branch to check availability of basic Federal and State Tax forms at this time.


El IRS en español

En el sitio web del IRS, usted encontrará recursos que le puedan ayudar en la preparación y declaración de sus impuestos – incluyendo:

  • Información general
  • Disposiciones Tributarias de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud para contribuyentes individuales, negocios pequeños y otras entidades
  • Información sobre la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio para contribuyentes individuales, negocios pequeños y otras entidades.
  • Información sobre el servicio e-file del IRS
  • Formularios y publicaciones


Other States

The Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA) provides links to state tax forms and filing information through the U.S.  Just click on the interactive map to select the state of choice.  Links to resources and contact information will follow.