Museum Discovery Pass Program: Museum Passes


Discover an adventure at your local library!

The Public Library of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County is pleased to offer local museum family passes for check out. This program is designed to engage adults, children and families in art, history, science, technology and literacy learning. The Museum Discovery Passes are made possible through the Library’s materials funding and donations of Passes from some of the Library’s partners in the program.

Museum Discovery Passes are available on a first come, first served basis at most Public Library locations. They cannot be placed on hold by computer or phone, so please visit your local library to choose today's adventure!

The Museum Discovery Passes are offered at all branches of the Public Library except for the Special Collections Library. Museum passes may be checked out by adult cardholders with full access accounts in good standing. Museum Passes check out for 7 days and may not be renewed. Only one Museum Pass at a time may be checked out by a family. Each Pass generally allows 4 people, in some cases 2 adults and 2 children, free entry to the museum of choice, exceptions are noted on the Pass. Customers must wait at least 24 hours before they can check the same pass out again. Please note: Museum Passes are considered non-traditional items. Customers can only check out 1 non-traditional item at a time.

Visit your local branch to see what passes are available!

Participating Institutions:

Make sure to check-out and return the museum pass to the Service Desk at your branch library. You may only return a Pass to the branch library where you checked it out. Please do not put museum passes in the library book drops; this could result in loss of the pass and significant costs to you, so please check the hours of the location to make sure you return the pass while we are open.

Borrowers agree to reimburse the library $25.00 for lost or stolen Passes.

(with the exception of the Maxwell Museum, which is $5.00.)