Understanding the history of your area can help you to understand the history of your house. Look for trends and patterns. Which indigenous groups were living in your area? Which ethnic group settled in your area? What were the prevailing architectural trends at the time? What were the local resources available? The answers to these questions can provide important historical context to your house. These resources will provide some important background:
A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia and Lee McAlester
Historic Houses in the DNA: Albuquerque's Downtown Neighborhoods Association by Chan Graham.
Albuquerque Deco and Pueblo by Paul R. Secord.
Historic Albuquerque: An Illustrated history by Carleen Lazzell & Melissa Payne.
Southeast Heights Neighborhoods of Albuquerque: History and Civic Guide by Patricia Freeman.
Home Plan Book / New Mexico Magazine by George Fitzpatrick.
New Mexico Style: A Sourcebook of Traditional Architectural Details by Nancy Hunter Warren.