Composting & Mulching

A Japanese technique that quickly ferments compost to release nutrients

Bokashi Composting

Bokashi Composting

Bokashi Composting, a method developed in Japan, is gaining attention as an alternative to traditional methods.

In contrast to the typical aerobic composting which requires turning and wetting, the Bokashi technique is anaerobic -- the microbial action ferments the material, rather than decomposing it. Since the Bokashi method requires no water, it may be well suited to Southwest gardens, where keeping a compost pile moist may be a challenge.

As the Bokashi method uses sealed containers, composting can be done indoors. Scaling up is easy -- just get more containers, or a larger container if you have enough compostable materials.

The fermentation is quicker than aerobic methods, taking roughly 1/2 the time. Once the "pickling" is done, the materials are buried in the garden where soil microbes complete the release of the nutrients.

Another benefit of the Bokashi method is that it can handle bones, meat, and cheese -- materials not recommended in the traditional compost pile.

Companies sell Bokashi "kits", and there is also grassroots information available on the internet.

