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ABQ & NM History Index: Local History Index Cards 1965-2000

Local History Index Cards 1965-2000

Local History Index Cards 1965-2000 (in progress)

The objective of this index is to provide comprehensive local information about historical, geographical, economic, biographical and general topics. This index covers a wide range of topics with extensive coverage of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County specifically; then state and regional topics. The index includes entries primarily from the Albuquerque Journal and the Albuquerque Tribune, with some selective entries from regional magazines, newsletters, and newspapers (only some of which are held by Special Collections):

•    Adobe Builder
•    Adobe Journal
•    American Indian Art
•    Aztlan
•    Book Talk
•    Indian Artist
•    Journal of Arizona History
•    Journal of the Southwest
•    Journal of the West
•    Kiva
•    La Herencia del Norte
•    New Mexico Business Journal
•    New Mexico Historical Review
•    New Mexico Magazine
•    New Mexico Stockman
•    New Woman
•    El Palacio
•    Password
•    Persimmon Hill
•    Santa Fean
•    Southwest Art
•    Southwestern American Literature
•    Sunset
•    Traicion Revista

•    Developing New Mexico
•    Enchantment
•    New Mexico Business
•    New Mexico Farm and Ranch
•    New Mexico Geology

•    Albuquerque Business Times
•    New Mexico Business Weekly
•    Santa Fe Reporter/Trail Dust

Index data entry by Stacey L. Miller and Linda McNiel.