Discovery is a fresh new look bringing you a personalized search experience! You can now search the Library’s catalog and electronic resources simultaneously and see current availability information on physical library items and direct links to eResources. This page provides a brief overview for common questions about finding books, eBooks, music, and research articles using Discovery. Discovery is brought to us by EBSCO and may also be called Discovery Service, EBSCO Discovery Service and EDS.
Do you want to find full-text articles within your search? Discovery makes your search as easy as the open web, but with better, more in-depth and citable results drawn from premium content. All available with an integrated search of both the physical and electronic items owned and licensed by the Public Library.
Now there’s no need to go to multiple places to find relevant and authoritative information. Get it all right away from the Public Library.
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and highlights of Discovery.
Why is Discovery better?
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