FamilySearch: Overview

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About Family Search

Access even more records from the world’s largest free database of genealogical information from throughout the world! has granted Affiliate Library status to all branches of the Public Library Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. By clicking on the FamilySearch link on the left you can access over 2 billion digitized records, including over 400 million images that are not available outside of our Library, other Affiliated Libraries, or a Family History Center.  This special access is available only from within branch libraries via the Public PCs, it is not accessible from outside the Library or over the free WiFi available within all of our branches.

Sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch online collections are growing every day and includes a learning center, Wiki pages to guide genealogical research in any county, country, or topic, and the ability to add family tree information.

As with many other databases, users will need to create a free account the first time they use the database. This account does not require library card information. Depending on the agreement between the record provider and FamilySearch, there will still be some records that are accessible only from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City or at an official Family History Center affiliated with the LDS church.


Genealogy Center link


The Public Library's Genealogy Center includes a non-circulating collection of over 20,000 titles and 36,000 volumes organized by country, state, and county; a computer lab dedicated to genealogy research with databases of special interest to genealogists; a microfilm collection and machines for viewing microfilm and microfiche;  on-site databases developed by the Albuquerque and New Mexico Genealogical Societies; and staff and volunteers ready to help you with your research. You can access the Genealogy Center's web pages, and some of the online resources, here.

The Genealogy Center is on the second floor of the Main Library in downtown Albuquerque on Copper Avenue NW, between 5th and 6th streets.

Genealogy Center
501 Copper Ave NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102